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we know you were looking for INNOSPOT and you might be wondering why you ended up here. No worries, there's a simple explanation because INNOSPOT is now fully integrated in HYPE!

INNOSPOT is part of HYPE Innovation

You can find more information about how INNOSPOT became part of HYPE Innovation in the news article.

Learn what startup scouting is and find out how to make the most out of collaboration with startups.

The search for very specific start-ups and companies for an internal business challenge is a new approach for us. The Hype Partnering tool, as well as the team, have been a great support to us in finding the right start-ups for these challenges.
Vivian Muller
Vivian Muller
Lead of the Innovation Scouting Program
Hype Innovations is trusted by the most innovative Global organizations
woman smiling on her phone

Ready to start scouting startups with the help of HYPE Innovation?