A Maturity Model for High-Involvement Innovation

This interactive e-book combines two reports by Professor John Bessant on the topic of high-involvement innovation.


There’s a practiced art to successful innovation, and if we’re serious about mobilizing high-involvement, we need to recognize it’s a learning journey. We can pack some powerful support tools into our luggage as we pack for this trip, but at heart, the big question is around building and sustaining an innovation culture.

Explore the e-book to learn:

  • The key behaviors of a high-involvement innovation culture
  • The levels of maturity an organization must go through to achieve excellence with high-involvement innovation
  • How to determine the level at which your organization is operating
  • Tools to define the road for high-involvement innovation
  • How you can plan for progress and success

Make sure to complete the self-assessment tool, which we built to help you analyze your company's innovation profile and decide on the next steps to take.