HYPE Innovation News and Press

Crido helps HYPE drive the innovation culture of Poland

Written by Maria Wenning | Mar 8, 2018 8:43:35 AM

Commencement of collaboration with Crido as a reseller of HYPE solutions.

This week, HYPE signed a cooperation agreement with Crido Taxand to extend our partner network in Poland. Collaborating with experienced partners is part of HYPEs company strategy and its success. A vivid ecosystem enables HYPE to open up new markets, increase visibility, and have clients benefit from our and our partners' knowhow.

Crido is the biggest Polish advisory group providing consulting on taxation, financing innovation and law. The Business & Innovation Consulting team guides clients through their innovative ventures and advises on project financing, including problems arising in connection with state aid for R&D, innovative and pro-environmental projects.

Their experts tap into many years of experience in devising solutions catering to clients’ individual needs, and considering not only their internal processes and resources, but also the environment in which they operate. About Innovation and R&D, they advise in the following areas:

  • innovation diagnosis,
  • development of innovation strategies,
  • optimization of R&D activities from legal and tax perspectives,
  • research agenda development,
  • innovation financing strategies and obtaining grants and reliefs for innovations,
  • intellectual property, valuation of technologies and commercialization of the results of R&D activities.

When working on issues connected with, among other things, obtaining funds for innovative activities, Crido discovered the market need for assistance to enterprises in the generation of innovative ideas. Therefore, they found us and realized that our innovation platform, HYPE Enterprise, is the tool that perfectly facilitates the generation, collection and assessment of ideas contributed by employees, and within the open innovation model – from external entities. It responds to the needs of their clients and many more companies, says Magdalena Zawadzka, partner at the Business & Innovation Consulting Team of Crido Taxand.

The cooperation between Crido and HYPE Innovation will enable existing and new clients in Poland to use the world’s best innovation management practices.

With our innovation software, enterprises can utilize the collective intelligence of their employees and the ideas of their clients and business partners in a structured and efficient way. The powerful platform provides the backbone for collaborative innovation and helps drive long-term repeatable success.

We are very happy to start working with Crido and are looking forward to helping them establish and maintain sustainable innovation initiatives for their clients.