On February 1st 2018, Technicolor will host for the first time one of our Regional Innovation Managers Forums in Paris. We are delighted to announce that registration is open now!

Technicolor is more than just a client for us, like most of our clients in fact, we have a relationship based on partnership. We keep saying that we are not just a simple software provider, as we go beyond this by supporting our customers with consulting through out their journeys to run successfully their innovation programs. Our client community is also part of this as we are gathering together Innovation Managers around 10 times a year, so they can share their experiences, lessons learned and best practices, learn from each other and extand their network of fellow practitioners.

This Forum at Technicolor will be another opportunity for them to dive into different innovation management topics and enrich their knowledge to better reach their goals. For our first Forum of 2018, we decided to innovate the agenda by diversifying the content. Indeed, we will have presentations by clients who will expose one or two main challenges they faced, and explain how they solved them. We will also propose two workshops in the afternoon which will be run by our consultants, and last but not least we will use the Open Space Technology to have discussions in small groups on very specific topics. What is the interesting part about this in particular? Participants get to choose these topics. The goal for us is to offer an interactive event where the participants get to ask questions about concrete situations they are facing, and receive answers from the community and our experts.

The agenda is nearly full, and we thank the speakers who accepted to present : James Rose and Siegfried Loeffler from Technicolor, who are also the hosts of the event, Grégory Roman from Neopost and Catherine Bourlier from HERE.

To get more information about the agenda, the speakers, and to register, visit the event page at https://i.hypeinnovation.com/events/technicolor2018. The number of seats is limited, so if you would like to join the event, don't wait to register and simply click on the button below! Now.

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Michel Meisterjahn

Michel Meisterjahn

Michel is VP Marketing at HYPE. He started his career as part of the professional services team at HYPE, where he developed a deep understanding of the numerous different challenges our customers face
