The Innovation App for IBM Connections

HYPE just took the intergration with the social business platform IBM Connections to the next level. The app appears as a native element within the platform, bringing the complete range of innovation capabilities to the IBM Connections communities, while removing any access hurdles. And, the app is now a fully supported IBM Asset, and available on premise and in the cloud.

The HYPE Innovation App allows you to employ a dedicated innovation process to support a sustainable innovation program in your company. Based on our experience with leading innovative companies, it helps you bring together the right people to collaboratively solve your business challenges. For example, you can run idea campaigns to increase knowledge sharing, find process improvements, reduce costs, or generate new business ideas.

HYPE's industry leading innovation process routes your ideas through screening and implementation. With HYPE, conducting scalable evaluations is an integral part of the innovation process. Each campaign can have one or more evaluation session. The evaluation session brings together three elements:

  • multiple ideas can be reviewed;
  • evaluation criteria can be adapted to match the campaign;
  • subject matter experts can be assigned easily via an intuitive selection dialogue.

Once the evaluations are completed, the evaluation score identifies the top ideas. Winning ideas are selected and participants are notified.

HYPE's innovation KPIs track progress, activity and results. With the KPIs you can easily measure the business value being generated via campaigns, per department, or across your entire enterprise. Clickable table cells allow you to drill down to the actual ideas behind the calculations and export your data to Excel for further processing with a single click. KPI dashboards provide an overview of your pipeline and a basis for your future decisions.

Learn how the app helps the E.G.O. Group to keep their innvoations on track: 

Download the Case Study now!


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Michel Meisterjahn

Michel Meisterjahn

Michel is VP Marketing at HYPE. He started his career as part of the professional services team at HYPE, where he developed a deep understanding of the numerous different challenges our customers face
