HYPE Innovation News and Press

IDC MarketScape names HYPE a Major Player for Enterprise Social Networks

Written by HYPE Innovation | Feb 2, 2015 7:00:00 AM

IDC recently released its MarketScape for European Enterprise Social Networks, naming HYPE Innovation as a Major Player. HYPE is named along with leading enterprise social vendors IBM, Jive, SalesForce.com, and Microsoft. HYPE is the only pure play innovation management software vendor to be named in the report.

IDC recognized HYPE's strength in providing tools to track and monitor the financial impact of ideas once implemented in the business, as well as the integrations with social platforms IBM, Jive, Yammer and SharePoint.

Stefan Kaspari - CEO of HYPE Innovation - commented, "we are pleased to be recognized by IDC in their analysis of the social market, especially because our innovation process and toolset enables enterprise social networks to deliver significant value to their platforms. We see ourselves as an enabler to one of the key use cases for social platforms."

The IDC report is available to purchase on their website: http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=LP02W

For more information about HYPE's integration to IBM Connections, see http://hypeinnovation.com/ibm, and for Jive see http://hypeinnovation.com/jive

Watch a demo of HYPE's Innovation App for IBM Connections: