HYPE Innovation News and Press

Introducing the French HYPE Innovation Blog

Written by Valère Matias | Feb 8, 2019 12:36:48 PM

One of the best ways for people to succeed in innovation management is to arm themselves with as much educational content as possible and soak up the lessons from fellow innovators and innovation thought leaders. That's why we publish a plethora of educational materials in the Learn section of our website, case studies, reports, brochures, and in-depth articles. While most of this content is in English, we're also proud of our German and French versions of our website, which offer much of the same content in their respective languages.

And while we also have both English and German blogs, we were missing a French counterpart...until now. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our French Innovation Blog

We're proud to be an international company with offices and customers around the globe, offering our innovation management solutions in 27 languages. Our French Innovation Blog is part of our mission to provide useful content to innovators worldwide.

With more than  20,000 readers per month on the English blog, we are hoping to grow our French audience over the coming months by offering valuable content addressing the current concerns and topics of interest of Francophone innovation managers all over the globe. 

The first article published on the blog is a translation of our most popular blog posts, "Using the Ten Types of Innovation Framework." Written by Tim Woods, this post breaks down how to use Doblin's Ten Types of Innovation framework for idea campaigns. 

 This post explains the different innovation types, which combinations are successful, and showcases success stories from major brands like Nike.

The second article you'll find on the French blog is from our well-known author Oana-Maria Pop. Translated from her blog post, "How Management Theories Become Memes - and Why That Matters," this article digs into the real story of Maslow's infamous hierarchy of needs theory.

The post showcases the difference between Maslow's original meaning, the broader understanding of his theory, and the how it evolved as a meme. Oana-Maria Pop connects the origins and evolution of business theories to showcase how their understanding and lessons can change simultaneously with the market. 

Our latest publication is all about the Definition of Innovation. In this article, Stefan Lindegaard breaks down the different views on how to define innovation, displaying the work of Nick Skillicorn, anabling a broader view of the various aspects in the innovation field. Stating the inputs of various innovation leaders, Stefan debates not only the meaning of the term, but also it's usage and misuse.

Team HYPE France is excited to bring you more articles over the coming weeks, so stay tuned! Have a topic you'd like us to cover? Let us know in the comments below!