HYPE Innovation News and Press

Belcorp opts for Enterprise solution from HYPE Innovation

Written by HYPE Innovation | May 6, 2013 7:00:00 AM

HYPE Innovation, a global leader in end-to-end innovation management software, and one of the fastest growing innovation solution providers, announced today its partnership with Belcorp. 

The cosmetics company based in Lima, Peru is operating in 16 countries globally and employing over 8,000 people. Belcorp decided to go with HYPE’s Enterprise solution to support their full innovation process from end-to-end.

With their collaborative, campaign-driven innovation approach, Belcorp seeks to include employees from across the company into the collection and development of ideas for new products, process-improvements and cost-savings. However, Belcorp was not only looking for a tool to capture ideas in the front-end, but for software that supports them in the back-end as well. HYPE’s powerful back-end capabilities help the company to identify high-potential ideas, develop them further into concepts and manage the implementation of projects.