
Unlock Your Innovation Potential with our Innovation Experts

Harness the power of the HYPE Consulting Team to build transformative partnerships and drive your business growth to new heights of success.

Our Offering

Innovation Consulting Services

 Strategic Advisory Services

  • Leadership Awareness
  • Change Management & Roadmapping
  • Innovation Program Governance & Culture Change
  • Innovation Maturity Assessment & Benchmarking
  • Sustainability Challenge Advisory
innovation expert

Enablement Support

  • Communications for Innovation Programs
  • Advocate Community Development
  • Innovation Process Design
  • Innovation Skills Development
  • Innovation with External Partners (Open Innovation)
innovation consulting

Program Development

  • Innovation Program Ownership
  • Internal & External Community Management
  • Innovation Health Checks
  • Start-up and Partner Scouting
  • Innovation Landscaping
innovation coaching

Meet HYPE’s Consulting Team

Our team is a mix of doers with top-notch industry expertise in the management of change, innovation, collaboration, digitalization, and communication. We're ruthless in discerning what is important and what is just noise, and we help you establish and develop the right innovation model for you. Whether it's in tandem with a software-based innovation program or completely independent from it, we offer a tailored support structure for every use case. Our approach is flexible, data-informed, and practical.  We also specialize in delivering impactful presentations and sharing best practices from across our international client base, so feel free to book us as speakers for your next event! Whatever innovation challenge your organization might face you don’t have to solve it alone. Reach out and let’s collaborate. 

Oana is an open innovation researcher and practitioner with a knack for digitalizing and professionalizing the way in which ideas, knowledge, and relationships grow. In her consulting, she combines academic insights with industry best practices to help organizations large and small, public and private, liaise better with external partners on strategic goals. For over a decade, she has worked internationally as a coach, speaker, analyst, educator, and interim innovation manager. 

#innovating with partners #innovating with data #measuring innovation #developing innovation programs
Languages: English, Romanian

Dr. Oana-Maria Pop
Dr. Oana-Maria Pop
Head of Open Innovation

As the Head of Start-Ups and Partnering, Immanuel is passionate about accelerating change through collaboration. In his work, he helps innovators identify, evaluate, and liaise with relevant partners (start-ups, scale-ups, universities, agencies, and more) across various sectors and geographies. He also supports technology landscaping and start-up scouting projects that create value add. With a background in international business and extensive experience in China, he has supported projects in German, English, and Mandarin.

#start-up scouting #partner management #tech&trend management
Languages: German, English, Mandarin

Immanuel Jonathan Nama
Immanuel Jonathan Nama
Head of Start-ups and Partnering

Jennifer works with clients to build collaborative innovation capabilities that will last. Having launched and nurtured an innovation program to success, she is able to translate her experience to help clients find their own victories and generate millions of dollars in value. In her work, Jennifer provides practical advice supporting teams through every stage of their innovation journey; from establishing strategic innovation targets, thriving through ambiguity and resource constraints, to establishing capabilities to reduce the risks associated with disruptive innovation. Her holistic approach to Innovation Management helps organizations cultivate and retain innovative expertise driving value for the organization as well as its customers and partners.

#Innovation Strategy #Change Management #Measuring Innovation #Navigating politics related to running an innovation program #Innovation Advocacy 
Languages: English

Jennifer Dunn
Jennifer Dunn
Director Innovation Consulting, North America

Colin has worked in corporate innovation for over 20 years, initially as an entrepreneur within the technology sector, and for the last 15 years as a consultant to the industry. A social scientist at heart, Colin has been at the forefront of enabling organizations and communities to harness the collective intelligence of large and diverse groups, improve innovation performance, and create real impact. Colin has also supported teaching programs at the London, Exeter, and Durham Business Schools.

#Innovation Performance #Innovation Strategy #Collective Intelligence #Collective Impact ​#Open Innovation
Languages: English

Colin Nelson
Colin Nelson
Chief Innovation Consultant

Sandra is convinced that innovation alone will not create a better tomorrow. Her mission is therefore to connect all innovation with benefits for people and the planet, not just prosperity. She advises organizations globally on how to transform their business to create innovation contributing to the UN Sustainable Development goals. Sandra also co-founded the initiative “Women in Innovation” which to date has brought together over 800 women from over 75 countries collaborating on increasing the female influence on innovation. 

#Innovating for sustainability #innovating for social impact #women in innovation #collective impact
Languages: German, English, French

Sandra Fernholz
Sandra Fernholz
Head of Sustainability

Marlies is a seasoned member of the HYPE family and specializes in consulting for innovation management and continuous improvement schemes. With over 15 years of project management experience and a diverse portfolio of clients spanning various industries and geographies, she has honed her expertise in crafting tailored solutions to their shifting needs. Marlies is passionate about driving success for her clients and combines her interpersonal communication and conflict management skills with deep technical insights to deliver results.

#InnovationConsulting #ContinuousImprovement #CustomerSuccess #TailoredSolutions
Languages: German, English

Marlies Leutfeld
Marlies Leutfeld
Project Leader & Consultant

Nils has been instrumental in the development and implementation of innovative concepts in idea management, CIP and innovation for over 25 years. As an author and speaker, he shares his in-depth knowledge in various publications and events on idea management. Together with Prof. Dr. Schat, he regularly publishes the renowned idea management study. This is regarded as the leading scientific study in its field and provides valuable insights into the success factors in idea management. As an experienced coach and consultant for idea managers, he shares his expertise. As a certified business mediator, he is also actively involved in stuck conflicts in the drafting of company agreements.

Languages: German, English

Nils Landmann
Nils Landmann
Executive VP Service
woman smiling on her phone

Are you ready to improve your innovation program with the help of the HYPE innovation experts?