Registration is now open!

INNOVATE Europe 2024
April 9-11 in Phantasialand, Brühl, Germany.
More details on the event website.

INNOVATE North America


INNOVATE North America 2024 
Dates TBA. Stay tuned!

HYPE Webinars

HYPE's online webinars for this year. Dive into client-led talks, expert keynotes, and interactive discussions. Connect with other innovation managers, share your experiences, and find solutions to your challenges.

 ISO 56000 in Action: Learn from the UN's Innovation Team 

Innolead x Hype Webinar


Check it out
innovation events community

Learn - Share - Network

Join HYPE Innovation's annual events, where a vibrant community of forward-thinking innovation managers converge to:



Learn by unlocking the insights. Our gatherings extend beyond our client community, welcoming all innovation practitioners. Discover cutting-edge insights about innovation management and stay ahead of the latest trends in this dynamic field.


Share the challenges, wins, and passion. Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of inspiration and creativity. Our events are crafted to energize participants, leaving them armed with transformative insights and a network of peers that lasts a lifetime.


Network by forging new connections. Connect with like-minded innovators, share your triumphs, navigate setbacks, and absorb invaluable learnings. These events are meticulously designed to spark meaningful conversations and foster enduring connections.

Women in Innovation

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Celebrating and empowering women who shape the future of innovation.


At HYPE, we are steadfast in our commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women in the realms of technology and innovation.


Our Women in Innovation events provide a unique platform for a female perspective on crucial innovation topics, aiming to inspire even more women to embark on careers in innovation, champion groundbreaking ideas within their organizations, and lay the foundation for future generations.

Conferences in collaboration with our partners

HYPE participates as a partner or sponsor in some of the leading international conferences every year. We carefully select events that focus on innovation management and that are relevant for innovation practitioners.
These conferences are a great opportunity to meet our team, learn about our products and services, and ask specific questions.
We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming conference!


DTIM 2024

Disruptive Technologies & Innovation Foresight Minds Conference. March 03-05. In Berlin, Germany. Conference language: German.

More Information

RSCL Expo 2024

Retail Supply Chain + Logistics Expo. February 27-28, 2024, in London, United Kingdom. Conference language: English.

More Information

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Forward Thinking: Costruire le basi per un progresso collaborativo

Join us as HYPE Comes to Italy! Discover how Innovation Management combines inclusion, collaboration, and communication to transform creativity into impactful innovations. Energize your team, enhance collaboration, and accelerate your innovation journey with new partnerships and startups at this complimentary event.

Register here!

Would you like to collaborate?

Get in Touch!

Are you a HYPE client interested in hosting a forum?

Do you have inquiries about our events?

Are you a speaker eager to share your knowledge at one of our gatherings?

Maybe you're a conference organizer seeking event sponsorship?

Reach out to Julia Rieth, Event Manager at HYPE Innovation: