Case Studies From the Field of Innovation Management

Download stories from HYPE clients to learn more about their innovation programs.

Case Studies
Innovation Declassified
Customer Insight

Innovation Declassified

Get access to a compilation of inspirational customer success stories who are secretly transforming business culture, performance and impact.

TD Bank Case Study
Ideation & Collaboration

TD Bank Case Study

How a Strategic Pivot Enabled TD Bank to Radically Transform its Culture of Innovation

Case Study: Hager Group
Innovation Strategy

Case Study: Hager Group

Discover how Hager Group linked strategy with innovation within HYPE Innovation in our case study. Read now!

Case Study: Fujitsu
Innovation Strategy

Case Study: Fujitsu

Discover how Fujitsu used HYPE Innovation to create a successful approach to co-innovating with their customers in our case study.

Case Study: UCSD
Innovation Strategy

Case Study: UCSD

Explore how UC San Diego transitioned from crowdsourcing to collective impact and harnessed collaboration and strategic planning to achieve transformative success.

Case Study: Liberty Global
Open Innovation

Case Study: Liberty Global

Learn how Liberty uses HYPE Innovation to fuel its open innovation program in our case study

Case Study: BIC
Innovation Partnering

Case Study: BIC

In this case study find out how BIC uses HYPE Partnering to track interactions with external partners

Case Study: Ricoh
Ideation & Collaboration

Case Study: Ricoh

In this case study find out how Ricoh went from suggestion box to idea management platform

Case Study: Airbus
Customer Insight

Case Study: Airbus

In this case study find out how to create an innovation management utility for the rest of the business.