How Understanding Customers' Jobs to Be Done Drives Innovation
Today’s customers only want interactions that are relevant, personalized, and based on a customer’s situation and prefer...
8 Principles of The Innovator’s Solution
The Innovator’s Dilemma gets more of the headlines, but the follow-up book by Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Solut...
Collaborative Innovation: How to Trigger Valuable Discussions?
A crucial aspect of an innovation management platform is its ability to foster collaboration within the community for th...
How Gamification Can Enhance Innovation in Your Business
In his statement on gamification, Burke draws attention to the increasing use of gamification in various areas of life. ...
3 Essentials for Creating a Collaborative Innovation Program at Scale
In the first part of our Innovation in Legal Services blog series, we shared what innovation in the legal services secto...
5 Actionable Tips That Will Enhance Your Innovation Strategy
Even the most innovative companies sometimes get into trouble. Maybe there just weren't enough good ideas coming down th...
4 Idea Campaigns to Kick-Start Collaborative Innovation Across Your Firm
While product-oriented innovation is well-established as a business practice, innovation in service-oriented sectors, su...
Creativity and Innovation: An Introduction for Innovation Managers
As an innovation manager, you have the enviable task of stimulating creativity across the organization and channeling it...
Why Big Data Matters in Innovation Management
What does it take to sustain innovation in your organization? Ideally, you could devote time, money, and resources to a ...
The Ten Types of Innovation Framework and How to Use It
Innovation tends to focus around product performance - new products, new updates, new features. That’s why companies oft...
Scenario Planning: 6 Steps To Prep Your Organization for the Future
This is the fifth blog post in HYPE’s series on the most often-asked questions about strategic foresight. While the four...