Oana-Maria Pop

Oana-Maria Pop

Oana is Senior Consultant and Product Strategist at HYPE. For the past 12 years, she's specialized in measuring, digitalizing and streamlining how ideas, knowledge, and inter-company relationships thrive. Fusing academic insights with industry best practices, she helps organizations large and small, public and private, align with external partners (start-ups, suppliers, academic institutions, and even competitors) to achieve strategic goals. On the digitalization front, Oana actively helps identify, vet, prioritize, architect and implement new features for the HYPE Enterprise Suite of products.

Oana-Maria's Posts

Open Innovation

An introduction to Henry Chesbrough and open innovation

I’ve caught up on some essential reading this weekend to be able to offer you a selection of the most inspiring thought ...

What are living labs and how can they be used for open innovation?
Open Innovation

What are living labs and how can they be used for open innovation?

The term living labs is often used interchangeably, and by many different authors, with other terms such as innovation c...

The Jugaad Approach to Innovation
Methods & Frameworks

The Jugaad Approach to Innovation

Founded in 2003 by TED fellow Jessica Mayberry, Video Volunteers is an international not-for-profit media organization t...

Corporate Foresight: a Tool to Sustain Innovation
Managing Innovation

Corporate Foresight: a Tool to Sustain Innovation

Hindsight, foresight, flash foresight, sensing systems, future thinking, chocolate futurists, open future approach, peri...

Ideation & Collaboration

Four Examples of Design-Driven Success

When thinking about innovation, we tend to do so from two important angles. The first, and more likely to make headlines...

Absorptive Capabilities for Innovation - What Really Matters
Innovation Management

Absorptive Capabilities for Innovation - What Really Matters

ca·pa·bil·i·ty \ˌkā-pə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ - the quality or state of being capable (an ability); a feature or faculty capable of ...

The European Space Agency's Voyage Into Open Innovation
Open Innovation

The European Space Agency's Voyage Into Open Innovation

This blog post is part of a series on successfully managing open innovation programs. In this series, I talk with experi...

Why You Should Look Outside Your Organization to Create Impact

Why You Should Look Outside Your Organization to Create Impact

There is a lot of talk nowadays about purpose, value, and worth at both the individual and organizational levels. Take t...

Common Fears of Starting an Open Innovation Initiative
Open Innovation

Common Fears of Starting an Open Innovation Initiative

Adding external elements to an internal innovation program can prove a true rite of passage. The transition requires an ...

Identifying Stakeholders: A Quick Innovation Managers Guide
The Innovation Manager

Identifying Stakeholders: A Quick Innovation Managers Guide

I was recently asked a very down-to-earth question: "Where do you find answers to practical issues in innovation managem...

How Management Theories Become Memes - and Why That Matters
The Innovation Manager

How Management Theories Become Memes - and Why That Matters

I have a confession to make: I have a thing for investigative journalism. I'm talking about the kind of journalism that ...